
RADICAL! What does this mean? It means to get to the “root” of things and belonging to something.

Jesus was radical! Thank you God! Through the gospels you will read how Jesus was interested in getting deep down to the “root“ of things. Not fluffy stuff, but the core, the center, the heart of things. Go read one of the gospels with fresh eyes and get ready to be in awe of Jesus!

As I read “Rediscover Jesus“ Matthew Kelly tells us that, ”Jesus life and teachings are a RADICAL invitation to something beyond what most of us have settled for in our lives!”

Are we settling and concerned what others will think if we are RADICAL for Jesus – rooted and belonging to Jesus! Jesus could care less what people thought of Him or if He was being Politically correct! He simply allowed TRUTH to reign supreme. Truth will set us free when we have Jesus.

Truth is radical! Jesus is radical! I am radical for Jesus!!

How do we get to the “root” of our faith and be radical for Jesus?

Prayer is the answer!

Through prayer ask Jesus the following…. help me get to the “root” of things in my life, my work place, my relationships.  Help me EMBRACE the Truth – embrace the Bible! Help point or nudge me to the “root” of things and to not let me settle for shallow and superficial things. ❤️

We Love you all and Happy Friday!