Pure & Blameless life…

Psalm 101 is written by David at the beginning of his reign as King.  My take away…we must have God’s help to live a pure & blameless life!  To live with integrity for our God, it does take some intentional commitment but most importantly it takes guidance from our great God, believing in Jesus, and walking with the Holy Spirit!! 

Psalm 101:2

“I will be careful to live a blameless life – when will you come to help me?

I will love a life of integrity in my own home.”

Living a pure and blameless life requires us to have God in our lives DAILY and really LOVE to live a life for God!  Pause for a minute and think about that statement…LOVE TO LIVE A LIFE FOR GOD!!  (Phew, how many of us want to live & love like this?)

Spending time with God is how we LOVE to live for Him!! We need a steady foundation and we can build this day upon day by spending intimate time with the Most High! We can connect to the Source (God, Jesus, & the Holy Spirit) through prayer, reading the Word, and talking with God.

This powerful Source will flow mercy, grace, love, and guidance through us – even in the most difficult times.  But…most of us live our lives without plugging into this Source daily and then when difficulty arrives…we turn for help.

Why wait to connect to the Most High in times of difficulty only? Start NOW and connect daily!! Set your alarm 30 minutes early tomorrow morning and grab your coffee, your Bible, and sit with the Lord.  Don’t have a Bible, that’s okay…download it on your phone. Stop the thoughts of…I can’t get up that early because I need my sleep, I hate reading, I can’t pray, my life is too busy to add this also – stop the excuses my friends!

Don’t take this God given life of freedom for granted, honor Him daily. God is our Source for life, plus He wants the best for us!! Change your mindset and your spiritual foundation will grow! Be excited to spend 30 minutes with the Most High Almighty Powerful Most Loving Being in the world – our God! 🤍 #privilage

When we plan something, repeat it, feel the reward from it, and learn to love it – we can then make it a habit. Yes…you have to surrender up 30 minutes of sleep a day…who the heck cares, you are building a relationship with the Most High!! How many of you give 30 minutes a day for Netflix, or Hulu, or YouTube, or Facebook?  Let’s get our perspectives adjusted and our priorities right and give the Lord at least those 30 minutes a day.  Go to bed earlier if needed and stop the excuses.  With this plan, quiet time can become a habit with the hopes it becomes something you do daily without compromise. Rooted challenges you to make this happen! 

Heather and I both have developed a habit for the Lord each and every morning. It has become such an intricate part of our daily lives to spend time with God, if we don’t –  it feels unnatural and like something is really off.  Our morning time literally fills us up daily to walk upright with integrity and faithfully for God in the worldly world ! This habit for the Lord has been running for multiple years strong for myself and Heather!! We are not bragging at all for ourselves BUT we are bragging for God!  It will change your life when you spend time with Him, we are living proof! #morningsforGod #foundationbuilding

God has been guiding us through these years to NOT live a life against the Word He teaches and learn what a pure and blameless life can be like.

I can testify – I used to live life in the moment of “self” and did not live for God. For years upon years I tried to figure life out on my own before I surrendered my life to Jesus at age 45. My heart was hard and I pretty much did whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Thank you Jesus for saving me and softening my heart, I can’t imagine a life without Him now.

We have to spend time with Him and read what is written to help guide us on a spiritual path for Him – we can learn God’s character and how gracious and loving He really is!  The difficult times in my life still show up and are still difficult… but I know God is protecting me and guiding me – my quiet time with Him has been a blessing beyond Words.

Here are some ways God has guided me on a path to a pure and blameless life …live a life of integrity, avoid wickedness, avoid evil thoughts against others, hold my tongue to avoid gossip & slander and do not let pride rule your life. (Reference Psalm 101:2-5)

God is very clear in Proverbs also…

Proverbs 6:16-19

“There are six things the Lord hates – no, seven things he detests:

Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hand that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who puts out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.”

Proverb 11:20 also states…

“The Lord detests people with crooked hearts, but he delights in those with integrity.”

WOW…how the World would change if we avoided what God hates and lived with integrity. Thankfully… we have a God of love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness that allows us to repent (turn to Him) and be forgiven if we do or have done any of these things He hates.  LOVE is key to our foundation building with God through mercy and forgiveness. Jesus is our example to follow, He really LOVES.  We will be forgiven for all sins when we turn to Jesus, accept, and believe. Best of the best is we receive eternal life with God in Heaven! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Thank you Jesus ❤️ #believe

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16

Lastly…A really big ahhh haaa for me was verse 101:6 in this Psalm…

“I will search for faithful people to be my companions.”

David really had to choose his companions/friends wisely and so do we!  Who we hang out with and want as friends in our life…these people will influence us! Choose your “closest” companions by seeing how much they truly want to be connected to God and live by His ways, we want and need this kind of influence. Faithful and godly people who love Him and LOVE His Word should be our “closest” companions. We will become who we hang out with – don’t forget that!!  We must love and spread God’s Word to everyone, but search for faithful people who LOVE God to be your “closest” companions.

By spending quality time daily with God through the Word, praying, and hanging with like minded and like hearted people, we learn how to navigate this thing called life.

We can live pure and blameless lives my friends… but we have to commit and plug into the Source!

Start building your foundation today! 

We love you!

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather

#God #Jesus #HolySpirit #love #quiettime #bible #prayer #theSource #strongfoundation