Priscilla & Aquila

Today we highlight Priscilla from the Bible. She is referenced in Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians and 2 Timothy. She was married to Aquila and really their names and story go hand in hand. This was an outstanding husband and wife team who ministered in the early church.

Their livelihood came from tent making while serving Christ. After being deported from Rome, they meet Paul in Corinth. They invited Paul to live with them. Priscilla and Aquila taught Paul how to tent-make and he taught them even more about Jesus Christ! Paul loved this couple dearly, he called them “co-workers in the ministry of Christ Jesus.”

Priscilla and Aquila are known famously in the Bible for explaining the full message of Christ to a fellow Christian named Apollos. This empowered him to tell the whole Gospel to do many people and effect change for the Kingdom.

She was bold for God but gentle and was always ministering alongside her husband. She is a great example that our home is a valuable tool to gather people and talk about Jesus!

In my opinion, Priscilla is a woman after our own hearts. She loves her marriage, she loves being with her husband, she values friendship, she is teachable, she is gentle and humble, and she loves ministering about Jesus with her husband in their home.

These two are an example of what can happen through a husband and wife who truly build a relationship with Jesus as their Source!

Let us all open our hearts and our homes to Jesus and effect change in our community.

Stay Rooted,

Lisa and Heather ❤️
