Personal Knowledge

You all know my story.  I always went to church, had Bibles in my home but only read them occasionally.  And certainly NEVER the Old Testament! But I’ve come to understand the wisdom and truth that the Old Testament provides in how we are to live, to work, and to worship. And I just can’t get enough. 

Through these early years of my Christian journey I was very much dependent on the church and those around me to provide the advice and direction that I needed.  Or I just relied on myself.  Joash was very much the same.  When he became king he was very young, but he did what was pleasing to God.  He restored the temple and did good things for the people of Judah.  But, there is a but.  He was faithful to God only while Jehoiada the priest was alive.  His relationship with God was superficial because Joash was relying on Jehoiada; who was the true man of God.

After Jehoiada died, Joash listened to evil advisors and they “persuaded him to listen to their advice.  They decided to abandon the Temple of the Lord, the God of their ancestors, and they worshiped Asherah poles and idols instead.” 2 Chronicles 24:17-18.  In an instant everything that Jehoiada had worked for in the name of the Lord and had instilled in Joash was gone. And the life of Joash went downhill from here; as well as God’s people that called him King.

And I began to look at my own children.  Have we given them the foundation that they need to rely on God and make good decisions even after we are gone? As a parent we often want to jump in and try to fix everything and for sure there are times we must guide and direct.  But I think it is important to ask questions, encourage them to pray, seek God, and guide them without telling them what to do.  We must teach them how to walk through problems with God as their compass. Otherwise, they too could fall into the path Joash took. His faith was weak and he was completely dependent on others to tell him what to do. What started out as good and hopeful fell to evil and wicked ways.

I leave you with a beautiful prayer that you can pray over your children for spiritual wisdom.  It is from Ephesians 1:15-19.  Pray scripture over yourself and your children.  God has already given us the words we need.

Heavenly Father I come before you this morning thankful for your many blessings and the children that you have given me.  I pray for (names) and I ask you God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give them spiritual wisdom and insight so that they might grow in knowledge of You.  I pray that (names) hearts will be flooded with light so that they can understand the confident hope that has been given to those that You have called – Your holy people who are Your rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray that (names) will understand the incredible greatness of Your power for those that believe in You.  And that they come to realize that this is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at Your right hand Father in the heavenly realms. Amen

From Rooted

Heather & Lisa

#stayrooted #teachotherstorelyonGod