
Last week Heather and I both spoke about prayer. Prayer is such a huge part of everything we do within WWRF and in our Christian walk.

God introduced Heather and I at Pursuit Church a few years ago and a beautiful friendship started to develop. We discovered we are both business women and moms with careers that are very demanding. Working Women Rooted In Faith was started after a lot of prayer and with two women who are so crazy in love with Jesus. Through WWRF we want to share what we have learned over the years in the Corporate world (while walking in our faith or not) and how our faith can be FIRST in the secular world!

We both believe to achieve a “faith first” lifestyle, that we must be building a relationship with God through Jesus! We are both saved and sold out to Jesus! Thank goodness and thank you Jesus!

Through PRAYER this type of relationship can be building with God for you! You get to go directly to God in prayer, how awesome is that!? AWESOME!!!

Last week I talked about our content of prayer – content of prayer does matter says Jesus.

So does persistency!

Jesus teaches about persistency in Luke 11: 5-10. Go read the teaching. Basically, a friend knocks on the door of his friends house at midnight wanting to borrow bread. His friend says no, we are sleeping. But he keeps knocking until his friend gives him the bread …

Jesus says, “And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will open to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will open.” Verse 9-10.

This is Jesus teaching us! If it is written we must follow. We must stay persistent in our prayer and build an intimate relationship with God.

In my own experience it is easy to say, “Well, God did not answer my prayer today so I guess what I asked for is not for me.” I was wrong to think this way. I lacked persistency!!

I needed to keep praying, keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking. Then spend more time with God and listen for God through scripture, my pastor, the church or circumstances. This is how we experience God!

Don’t give up on prayer or give up on God. If you need to set a timer three times a day to pray, do it! We have smart phones, use them!! Discipline yourself to adopt healthy habits that lead you closer to God through prayer.

My teaching part of the Bible says:

To practice persistence in prayer does more to change our heart and mind than Gods, and it helps us understand and express the intensity of our need. Persistence in prayer helps us understand God’s work!

Next Monday I will talk about prayer journaling and some incredible answered prayers that have been recorded through journaling over the past years for me.