
In Chapter 3 James, the brother of Jesus, says wisdom from Above is:

First…It is PURE!


Peace loving,

Gentle at all times,

Willing to yield to others,

Full of mercy,

The fruit of good deeds,

Shows no favoritism,

Is always sincere.

These words describing God’s wisdom and God’s ways immediately floods me with so much peace, how do they make you feel?

We all know people who claim to be wise, who seem to have all the “right” answers, but then act foolishly. When we truly follow and believe what is written in our Bibles, we start to understand that the fools of the world don’t know God’s ways.

You may be saying, Lisa…so basically it is God’s way or the highway? Yes, it is the way of Truth! We cannot unlearn what God teaches us and we need to teach others His ways and follow them ourselves. James says in Chapter 4:17, “Remember, it is a sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.”

Non-believers and sometimes even believers don’t know what wisdom from Above is, their wisdom comes from the world. James says worldly (earthly) wisdom full of jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. (3:14)

James so passionately tells us in Chapter 1 – “if we need wisdom ask our generous God and He will give it to us!” Do know this…we must believe in Him alone and have wholehearted faith or He will not give us what we ask for.

Go inward, get alone with the Holy Spirit He sent us (our helper), pray to be in God’s presence, and ask Him. God loves us so much and will fill us with Himself, His wisdom from above – we need to ask!

James ends this section on genuine wisdom with , “And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.” (3:17)

What a privilege we get to become peace – this is God’s way!! We can be a peacemaker full of God’s wisdom from above and we can have certainty that we are doing the right thing for God. 🙌🏻

Don’t be a fool – be a peacemaker.

Stay Rooted,

L & H