• FRIENDS – Learn About “Beyond Giving!

    Several months ago Heather and I heard about a group of friends who went to dinner and surprised their server with an extra big tip!  We have prayed and prayed about a way to help our communities through social media this Holiday season, so we are borrowing this dinner idea and asking you to participate! We all have restaurants near us, so no matter where you live, you can bless a server! Rooted is partnering with Warriors on this project of encouragement. Warriors is a men’s ministry that my husband Todd started many years ago. We encourage you and your friends to get together this November and support “Beyond Giving…


    In just a few short days little children will be running around my neighborhood proudly adorning their new costumes and asking for candy. I remember those days when nothing was as exciting as putting on that silly costume and heading out for an evening of sugar and fun. And yet even when it’s not the season of costumes, hayrides and candy we have to ask ourselves if we are wearing a costume? Obviously I don’t mean that of a favorite Marvel character, but the outside costume that may be what others see. When the outside doesn’t match what’s on the inside it’s essentially like wearing a costume. Others see one…

  • Pure & Blameless life…

    Psalm 101 is written by David at the beginning of his reign as King.  My take away…we must have God’s help to live a pure & blameless life!  To live with integrity for our God, it does take some intentional commitment but most importantly it takes guidance from our great God, believing in Jesus, and walking with the Holy Spirit!!  Psalm 101:2 “I will be careful to live a blameless life – when will you come to help me? I will love a life of integrity in my own home.” Living a pure and blameless life requires us to have God in our lives DAILY and really LOVE to live…


    The number two seems so simple. It’s just one plus one. Easy math! But yet as soon as you add two ones together it brings about a whole new perspective. Two isn’t just a number. When Jesus sent out His disciples they were sent in pairs. (Mark 6:7) Sure it’s fair to say that if they had all divided up they could have reached more territory. But Jesus doesn’t make mistakes. He sent two together for a reason. Not one single person has all the skill, gifts, or knowledge that’s needed for success. God gives each of us special talents and gifts. Although the Bible doesn’t give the specifics on…


    In the Bible last week I was taken to Micah in my quiet time and read about the Israelites trying to figure out what to give to God in the hopes it would please Him and He would leave them alone.  Oh our God!  He told them what He wants…the sacrifices and religious rituals where not only it, He wanted changed lives!! “No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8 In 2022 many of us have different ways we want to…


    I don’t dream very often. But I recently had a dream that is definitely worth sharing. I was very sick. I was lying in a bed not able to see or comprehend clearly. Things were cloudy.  It was like that feeling when you are in and out of a high fever. The day is passing without knowing if the sun is up or down. But I could feel that someone was there taking care of me. I could feel a loving touch; a movement in the room around me. I could hear a voice but I wasn’t able to understand any words. My fever raged on. I later woke up…

  • A Heart For God!

    “Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.” -Proverbs 17:28 As leaders and Christians, our words have influence and carry the power of life or death to our teams. Just think about this, God shaped the world with His words! As leaders, we must NEVER forget that the power of our words flowing off our tongues WILL shape our teams. When studying about the tongue, nothing gives away the state of our faith quicker than our speech! When we are yelling, gossiping, mocking, screaming, spreading lies or accusing someone harshly; this speech is revealing what is in our hearts. Jesus says in…


    “What do you want me to do for you?” Even as Jesus traveled; surrounded by crowds and opposition, He cared for people . He was never too busy to stop and serve those around Him. He fed the hungry. He held the children. He sheltered the homeless. He healed the sick. He washed feet. He died for our sins. Jesus came to serve others. And we can learn from His life on earth. Jesus had all the power in the world yet He chose to put others first. He chose not to be too busy or too in a hurry. As John Maxwell would say, “He was walking slowly through…

  • He Can Be Trusted With The Details

    Worry… So many times in life we utter the words, I am worried about ______.  What was the word you filled in the blank with, got that worry in your head? I know I have said this, as early as yesterday actually,  as a huge hurricane is heading toward my family in Florida these words left my mouth.  I was worried what might happen to them as Ian made landfall.  Will they be safe, have power, have water, and enough food? Reading in Psalm 85 today in reverence for our God I was led to Matthew 6:25-34. The living Word is so kind and will continue to remind us that…

  • Can You Move Mountains?

    “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”” Matthew‬ ‭17:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ I doubted writing about the mustard seed. It is a famous scripture posted on many t-shirts and coffee mugs. But the tugging on my heart was persistent so here we are! There is a big truth behind this scripture that t-shirts and coffee mugs could potentially make us miss. Mostly because we may tend to think about…well… us. In this parable Jesus is trying…