• Be Less to Be More

    When we over value ourselves above others…this is a disguise of pride. Pride has many stages and many disguises. Pride will make us restless and dissatisfied with what we have and concerned about what everyone else is doing.  Prideful people are always hungering for more attention and adoration. Pride tells us…I deserve this now or this “thing”appeals to me right now for fulfillment but will still leave me empty. Pride my friends is a sin. It will lead to death and destruction of yourself and relationships. It is so easy to be prideful, even as a Christian, so start to be aware of how you are acting to others and…

  • Live Compassionately…

    This week it has been heavy on my heart to write about compassion.  Our Father in Heaven is so compassionate to all of us! “The Lord is good to everyone.  He showers compassion on all His creation.” Psalm 145:9 He then gave us His son who defines compassion for us physically on earth – which is laced with love, giving, kindness, peace, and goodness. We humans on earth have been created in the image of our God to be like Jesus. But how many of us reflect compassion for others when in the workplace?  Are we willing to feel someone else’s pain and suffer with them, love them, be giving,…

  • A life for God…

    This past week my son in law or how I like to say…”the son I love”… lost one of his best friends that he has known since he was very young.  To watch Jake and his family go through the pain of losing someone so close to them has been heartbreaking and sad. Heather and I send our deepest sympathy to you for your loss Jake. Our heart aches for the void that you are feeling with Dalton gone.  We are praying for you Jake and may his memories stay in your mind forever. Reflecting on his sudden death, it reminded me that life is short on earth.  I’m reading…


    Several weeks ago my daughter and I were able to get away and enjoy a few days in the mountains together. As we were driving to our cabin it was dark and raining and we didn’t know exactly where we were going. About 10 miles out we encountered a very heavy fog on a tiny, winding mountain road. The fog was so blinding the headlights barely cut through it. I turned the radio down and started praying as I drove. My daughter helped me navigate the turns so I could focus on not running off the road. Although it seemed like forever, we made it safely to our cabin but…

  • Shine Bright…

    When going into work each day do you stop and do an attitude check at the door? Is it bright and shiny or dull and corrosive? So many people think of themselves only and not others within the workplace, this dulls our attitudes quickly. Literally…our attitude toward our coworkers can make or break an office atmosphere.  Pause for a moment…think about this…what if God was your coworker, how would His attitude be? I bet it would shine so bright and we all would want to learn and be around Him!! #Jesus Here are some things to think about to enhance our attitudes so we can shine bright for our God…


    FRIENDS – learn about “Beyond Giving!” Our economy has been really tough for so many and with Beyond Giving we can surprise working men and women with God’s love. God will provide for them through us! Below is a framework to help you get started!  Be creative with this and go where God leads you!! If we can share God’s love plus give money – what a beautiful combo. 1. Pick any restaurant in your town 2. Your server will be random 3. Have a group of 6 people or more in your group (so we bless them greatly) 4.  Be ready to bless them with a gift of money.…


    Have you ever thought about what it would feel like if you couldn’t speak? I’m talking about something beyond a few days of laryngitis.  This is exactly what happened to Zechariah the moment he questioned Gabriel, an angel of the Lord, about the baby that was to be born to him and Elizabeth. “But now, since you didn’t believe what I said, you will be unable to speak until the child is born.” (Luke 1:20) Unable to speak. Just like that. Zechariah doubted the word from God. He questioned Gabriel and said, “How can I be sure?” Zechariah, a man who’s heart was for God, a man who was righteous;…

  • Sweetest Habit Ever!

    The more we read God’s Word, the more we will crave it! It develops dripping knowledge within us and can make us wise.  It will make us wiser than people who don’t believe it or refuse to indulge in the sweetness of His pages each day. Being intelligent or experienced does not always make you wise! This wisdom we receive from God’s Word is not just a bunch of knowledge, it is taking this knowledge and applying it to our lives. We must trust His sweetness and apply it! Your life as a Christian will change if you start indulging in the sweetest Words ever! “How sweet your words taste…


    The high road. I used to dread that road. Every time I chose it I felt like I had lost the battle just as if I were waving the white flag with my head hanging down. I would come home from work and announce to my husband with a big sigh that once again I had taken the high road. It was oozing with “whoa is me.” As we grow in our knowledge of leadership founded on the words of God we start to learn that taking the high road; as hard as it is sometimes in our human nature, is just what we are called to do. Kingdom based…

  • Rise Up – Be A Change Agent

    As you work in the secular world beside your coworkers – Christian or non Christian – with moral values way different than yours, how do you not be influenced? Character…I believe it is what guides and defines us as Christian leaders. It will greatly determine if a leader will rise up or fall down with their teams. All of us are defined by the mental and moral values that create us – this is character. As working women rooted in faith, we build lives of character by stacking day upon day of obedience and faithfulness to the Lord. It takes time and intention to build character that the Lord asks…