• Praise

    Have you walked through a season of significant change? Maybe a new job, new town, new coworkers or even a new church? It can be challenging to suddenly wake up and not have the encouragement and support you once had. “For they loved human praise more than the praise of God.” John 12:43. God never changes. His praise remains steady. These seasons of change show us who we really need to rely on. And that’s God; our Father. I love the teaching in my NLT study Bible: “But the praise of others is fickle and short-lived. We should be much more concerned about God’s eternal acceptance than about temporary approval…

  • He Has Final Word…

    Some thoughts for us ALL as I finished up Ecclesiastes today.  Heavy on my mind is this…do you ever feel like life is truly just not fair?  Well, Solomon did and I am sure you all have felt this way too at some point in your life. It might be an injustice against your character, someone falsely accuses you of something, someone lies about you, gossip by someone you thought was a friend, you get laid off, you lose someone close to you, or someone close to you gets really sick or hurt…you get the picture I am painting. We have to remember we live in a fallen world. Many…


    As Jesus was walking along He met a blind man who had been blind since birth. Jesus stops, makes mud from His spit and rubs it on the man’s eyes. Then Jesus tells the man to “go wash in the pool of Siloam.” So the man did as instructed and washed in the pool. And after doing so he “came back seeing.” (John Chapter 9) But the Pharisee’s just could not accept the power or the authority from which this miracle came from. So they set out questioning and questioning the man who had been healed. And yet the blind man continued to repeat his story. “But I know this:…

  • It’s Not About The Money…

    Many times in my life I have been worried and anxious that we could not make ends meet financially. Todd and I have been married for 32 years, starting our relationship in high school back in the 80’s. When we got married we had zero money, he was 19 and I was 20. So…money has been weaved into most of our decisions and conversations over the years trying to figure out how to get it! There have been times that actually “rolling change” to go grocery shopping was for real and all I wanted was to just have money and not be poor! Money became my ultimate goal in life…


    “Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.” ‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬ I remember reading this in my children’s Bible many many years ago and imagining crumbs of bread lying all over the ground.  When Jesus performed miracles they were big! Although the disciples had to…

  • Chasing Wind…

    The book of Ecclesiastes really dives into the meaning of life, motives for behavior, and where God fits into our personal mission – super important for every Christian leader. Our leadership must be bigger than us and what we want! If we focus merely on profits growing or advancing ourselves, we are missing the larger call of leadership especially as a Christian. We are there to influence people and shine our faith! In chapter 1 King Solomon who had all the wisdom anyone could ever want along with an abundant life filled with riches and power, said “life is meaningless.” “I observed everything going on under the sun, and really,…


    “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” ‭‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬ At a time when John the Baptist could have easily been jealous or frustrated when the ministry of Jesus came on to the scene; he instead trusted in what God had revealed —- Jesus was indeed the Son of God. #truth John then explains to his followers the difference between himself and Jesus (the Messiah) with a beautiful analogy about a groom and his best friend. “The one who gets the bride is, by definition, the bridegroom. And the bridegroom’s friend, his ‘best man’—that’s me—in place at his side where he can hear every…

  • Sharpness…

    This Proverb is a famous one and we can’t forget it – it will keep us growing and especially at work!! “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 27:17 As women with influence (yes YOU are a leader because you have influence) we want to surround ourselves with coworkers that share new ideas and help us see things in many different ways. This is what blossoms relationship rapport, growth, and gives birth to new brilliant insights. Honestly, it is not always easy to listen to new ideas that may cause a lot of change and will challenge us at times, but we need to leave our…

  • Join Us Each Day on Facebook!

    Happy New Year! We are so excited to spend 2023 sharing what we learn each day in the Bible with you. Please share our posts daily so you can influence others to take their faith into the workplace also! We can be the influence on social media and within our companies together, always remember that leadership is influence! Our actions reflect our influence and tell so much about us as Christians and leaders, so learn & emulate the Word each day and build your leadership character. #bible Go work hard, smile, love each other, lead and shine! This is going to be an incredible year in our workplaces!! #2023leaders#rooted Stay…


    Choosing how we handle the day to day “craziness” as I call it builds resilience. Every day we are faced with challenges and decisions. I have learned through my career, in being a wife, and a mother of three that things don’t always go as planned. Honestly! Learn that now! For many years this was a big struggle in my life because I’m a planner and I like things to go smoothly. If something didn’t go well I felt I had not prepared well enough or that I simply wasn’t good enough. #lies And then came 2022….and well, this has just been a whole year of craziness that has continued…