“So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in heart.” (Luke 2: 16-19) Can you imagine how Mary must have felt over these last months? To have an angel appear to you and state that you are a “chosen woman” and that you would conceive a child as a virgin? Later when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth her…
Birthday Wishes
Happy birthday Lisa!!!! What a year we’ve had together! Crazy Faith, Feeding 5000, the Dinner Party, and Silent Knights…all during a pandemic!!! Lately we’ve both felt God taking us “back to the beginning.” As we read Genesis and continue in our journey together, let’s never forget that true beginning, that Sunday under the Pursuit First Time Guest tent. The stirring in our hearts and the sense of familiarity even though we’d never met. That day set a course for us and only God knows what’s next!! Rest today my friend! Rest and enjoy your special day and know that you are loved! PS. In our 2021 planning & goals we…
Think of These Things…
Always keep learning and be teachable – a good friend reminded me of this last night! Great reminder during this pandemic – keep your thoughts filled with God, His image, His ways. #dwellontheWord #seekJesus #stayrooted #trust #newthoughts
Three years ago I left 17 years of religious platforms behind. As strange as it may sound, one thing I stopped doing was praying The Lord’s Prayer. It had become for me something I did out of ritual and rote memory. They were words that I just said to check a box at bedtime with my kids and to recite in church. I don’t think I ever one time stopped and really pondered on the words of this prayer. Reading the Bible each day is now the foundation of my day. I love waking up each morning and reading the words God gave us to live by. Several months ago…
Faith & Action
Abraham was called a “friend of God.” What an incredible honor! ❤️ In James we learn that Abraham was called a friend of God because his faith AND actions worked together. #stayrooted #faithandaction #notbyfaithalone
Hold My Hand
Like a parent holding our own child’s hand to keep them safe, God’s got our hand. He takes hold, He protects us. #stayrooted#chosen#nofear#promises#Protector#seekHim
The Lord Will Provide
Back in October, my good friend organized a small group of close women to gather up in the mountains to pray. No agenda, just pray. As the weekend progressed, my friend asked us to write down on paper what we were willing to give up for God? We were asked could we put God first above everything and everyone in our life – could He be enough? Immediately my thoughts went to material things. For most of my life I have strived for more stuff, these are the things that make my life easy and I enjoy. So…I wrote down all the material things I was willing to give up…
Season of Giving
Such a powerful scripture in this season of giving and hospitality! May we always be reminded, regardless of the season, to give to strangers. We are to love each other! #silentknights2020 #stayrooted
You are the God Who Sees Me
In Genesis 16 we meet Hagar. A servant who belonged to Abram and Sarai (not yet Abraham and Sarah). Hagar found herself in a very difficult situation trying to please Sarai. Hagar was so hurt and upset that she ran far away from her home. But then an angel of the Lord came to her and asked her why have you run away? As she listened to the angel and confronted her fears she realized that she was not alone. “You are the God who sees me” God sees everything that we do. He knows our fears and anxiety. Like Hagar we can try to run away but we can’t…
16 days until Christmas! Many of us get so overwhelmed this time of the year. We have so much to do: shopping, work, family, Covid stress, and not enough time in a day. STOP!! Today, right now, stop and seek God. Be still and know that our God is so so big! He is with us and wants to help us – seek Him and ask for help. #bigGod #helper #seekHim #stayrooted