• Are You Alert?

    No one should want to sin knowing how much God dislikes it and can separate us from Him.  God knows all and sees all, He does not ignore it when we sin, it does matter to Him. “The Redeemer will come to Jerusalem to buy back those in Israel who have turned from their sins.” says the Lord. Isaiah 59:20 When we willfully sin and have a persistent rebellious heart we must turn to God. I read the following today, “sin fills the vacuum left when God’s truth no longer fills our life.  Only God can defeat sin.” NLT Application teaching Bible Isaiah Sin separates us from God and at…

  • Heavy Heart…

    Today we will celebrate the life of Jordan Washburn…a servant for our Lord is how he can be described.  Jordan was our first salesman at Morrisette back in 1962.  He has set the bar high in performance but even more so in his character and how he treats people. He flowed character like Jesus and loved everyone. I have known Jordan since 2005 and also his son Jess, who is currently in sales at Morrisette. When Jordan entered a room he had that thing, where everyone wanted to hear what he was going to say or just a chance to shake his hand. He genuinely cared about everyone he encountered.…


    Have you ever thought about this? Each day that you step foot in your place of employment you are going where most missionaries never go. What an amazing opportunity God has given you. But this can be overwhelming! You may be on fire for God but not sure how you apply this to your “mission field.” Start with morning prayer. Give your work day to God. Read your Bible.  Don’t compromise this. Build relationships. Talk to people. I love John Maxwell’s principle of “walk slowly through the halls.” Get to know your team! See everyone in God’s image. He created each and every person you work with. Be kind and…

  • Fear Not…

    I am eight weeks out from the BIG presentation and a bit overwhelmed with the “task” at hand. Sprinkle in a little fear and it can start to take over everything. The type of fear that wakes me up at 3:30am and your mind starts going 100 miles an hour. Or when I just wish there could be a few more hours in the day to keep working because you just can’t get it all done. I’m not sure what your “task” is, but we all have them and they can over take us – both physically and mentally – if we are not aware! Today let me encourage you…


    Many years ago I planted a small piece of ivy in a whiskey barrel. Over the course of time that small vine almost took out one entire section of my garden. It grew and grew and spread well beyond the barrel. And I didn’t like the way it looked. So when I decided to dig it up it took forever because the roots were deep and wide spread. Recently I found my way to Hebrew’s and notes that I had written a few years back on bitterness jumped out at me. There’s nothing like God’s word and a past note that will stop you in your tracks. I thought about…

  • Prayer Works

    Are you in the middle of a struggle, fearful of an outcome, needing to forgive someone, or just in a funk? Turn to prayer. Talk to God. God already knows but He will listen and hear our cries and see our tears. Anything can be done by our God!! Anything!! #beleive This is what the Lord says, “I have heard your prayers and seen your tears. I will add fifteen years to your life, and I will rescue you and this city from the King of Assyria. Yes, I will defend this city.” Isaiah 38:5-6 God has our backs!! What an honor and privilege to have a direct relationship with…

  • Thinking On Faith

    When Jesus appeared to Thomas there was doubt. “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.” (John 20:29) Faith is trusting in something you cannot prove and often can not see… Faith is believing that God is who he says he is… Faith is believing in God’s promise even though we can’t often see it happening… Faith is like the wind, you can feel it but can’t see it…. Think about faith today!Happy Friday from Rooted

  • Turn…

    Let’s say…you are at work and you find out that you were left out of a meeting. It was a meeting with decisions made and you really thought you could add value and wanted to be part of the process. How do you feel? How do you react? What do you do? For many of us women in the worldly work world to get ahead we are told we have to control our emotions. There is no crying at work, especially in leadership! (I feel this is impossible, sometimes I do tear up and it is okay!) But…how do we work through the tearful emotions that cause feelings of being…

  • Pure Hearts

    Our attitudes and actions must be sincere in our faith. Let’s all honor our God with pure hearts. Jesus teaches us pretty clearly, check out His Words…“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Matthew 15:8 Isaiah prophesied this in 29:13 and Jesus teaches us again and again in the New Testament…a pure heart matters more to Him than our rules, religion, and lip service. Your heart will dictate your actions and your words. What’s in your heart will come out of your mouth!! This may sting a little….don’t be a hypocrite pretending to be something you are not and really have no intention…

  • The Samaritan Woman

    The first time I heard the story of the Samaritan Woman, I was inspired by her experience with Jesus and how her life changed. The picture we envision of her leads to a painful past filled with disappointment, sadness, and loss of hope, causing a life full of low self esteem. It was so low, in fact, that she hid from everyone. She was judged and hated by every woman in the village. She in turn felt extremely unloved and became very lonely. She looked for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. Everything changed when she came face to face with Jesus. Jesus showed her something that nobody…