• Build Up Each Other

    Happy Monday!  We ALL can lead and encourage people within the work place, no matter what your position or title. Your faith walk in the secular world can be a shining example of the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ!  “God chose to save us through Jesus, not to pour out His anger on us.” 1 Thes 5:9 Today…point out to someone a quality you appreciate in him or her! Build eachother up and be a person who encourages. Our words and actions do matter, influence others with encouragement and kindness. Stay Rooted, Lisa & Heather #encourager #Jesus #influence #ChristianWay

  • Clouds & Wind That Bring No Rain

    As summer approaches and the days get hotter; the afternoon rains will soon be here. Sometimes it’s so hot and dry that we wait for the rains to quench our gardens. But often the clouds roll through and the rain never comes. We are left disappointed. Similarly when someone makes a promise and then doesn’t come through with it – well anger, frustration and disappointment set it. One of my top core values is doing what you say you are going to do. Don’t leave your friends, family or coworkers disappointed. Jump in and help them and make sure you follow through with your commitments. Otherwise you are like the…

  • Refresh Like Snow in Summer

    Do you consider yourself trustworthy? What would your employer say if asked this same question? Are you honest? Do you show up to work on time? Do you get your job done in a timely manner? Do you maintain peace? “Trustworthy messengers refresh like snow in summer. They revive the spirit of their employer.” Proverbs 25:13. Proverbs 25 through 31 is titled Wisdom for Leaders. And it’s packed full of great scriptures that are ideal for a working woman rooted in faith. Dig in, ask questions, and start to understand what you can do to support your employer’s success – it will “revive their spirit.” We know this to be…

  • (Read 2 Timothy 2)

    Encouraging you today to keep studying and learning your Bibles. God will bring insight and understanding through His Word but we need to read it. He will give you wisdom if we ask Him. (James 1:5) Get under wholesome & sound teaching and learn about Jesus and His ways. We must be soldiers for our Jesus no matter what! (Read 2 Timothy 2) Then spread the Good News about Jesus with all your might. God is faithful to His children, this is a never changing truth, don’t be afraid to tell people about Jesus and your story. Be like Paul and Timothy who loved the Lord wholeheartedly and followed His…

  • Prayer

    Prayer is a vital part of our Christian walk. Jesus is the example for us and He tells us, “you can pray for anything and if you believe you’ve received it, it will be yours.” It is written so let us believe.  However, we are selfish by nature and motivated to make it all about us but let’s look at prayer with God’s interest in mind. Express your desires to our God but desire even more His will above yours. Jesus prayed with God’s interest in mind not His own. He is the ultimate example!! Check yourself today if your prayers are for your interests or God’s? Stay Rooted, Lisa…

  • Wait…What?

    If you were told that the way up is actually down what would you say? But as the disciples were arguing amongst themselves as to who was the greatest among them. Jesus very clearly answered their question. “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 18:3. Jesus is encouraging His disciples to understand that rank does not matter in Heaven. On top of faith and believing in the cross; it’s having a humble and…

  • Genuine Wisdom

    Think of someone who seems so wise…how do they act?  There are two types of wisdom per James, worldly wisdom and God’s wisdom, which is the genuine wisdom we all need to reflect in our lives. This person you brought to mind would you agree their wisdom usually can be measured by their character? God’s character must reflect in our character.  We can recognize a tree but the fruit it produces, you can also recognize genuine wisdom by the way one acts. James makes it clear that if you are jealous or have selfish ambition in your heart, if you boast or lie to cover it up, this is not…

  • The Most Profound Chapter in the Bible.

    I’m not exactly sure when I wrote that in my Bible, but this is what is written at the top of the page of John 14. Even now as I read John 14 I’m still in awe the same as when this note was written. The red letters of Jesus stir my heart. 14:1 “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” Many things in this world can trouble our hearts. Whether it’s situations at work, family dynamics, finances, sickness, the news. But we know (because it is written!) that our trust should only be in God and His promises. But Jesus also says…

  • ​​Forgiveness

    Having a week dedicated to writing about Jesus and not diving into forgiveness would seem impossible! Jesus is the ultimate forgiver. He gave up His life for all of us and took on all of our sins!  ALL of them!! “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”  John 3:16-17 We are forgiven and loved because of Jesus no matter what but even better we are saved if we believe…

  • Are You Blind?

    Happy Monday! This week leading up to Easter Sunday, Heather and I wanted to write and post about the King of our Hearts – Jesus!! He has so many parables He teaches leading up to His death and resurrection. In the below scripture Jesus teaches about inner purity. So many Christians today and the Jews back then had traditions that have become laws vs helping us understand God’s laws. Legalism at its best, Jesus rebukes this way of thinking and acting. We all can know a lot about God but do we really know Him and His son intimately? When we claim to honor God but our hearts are far…