Organization = Wise Leadership

We are coming to the end of the year…so January is always looked at as a fresh start for many to apply some change. #newyearsresolution

As a trainer in the Corporate world, one topic that comes up frequently from many is organization. Many times our leaders will say, “I have got to get more organized – what advice do you have?”

My biggest nugget of advice…organizational skills do not only affect our work life but also affect our personal lives. So what does this mean?  It must start with you! If you are not organized at home then how can you be organized at work? Start with yourself at home and then it will start to flow over to how you organize and coach your teams at work.

If you are struggling with your teams working together or even working with you, look in the mirror.  Self awareness is a must in good leadership.  This will lead to good organization and it helps people work together in harmony and ensures the desired goal will be reached.

In the Bible it tells us how organized King Solomon was as he ruled the Nation of Israel. He had high officials, district governors, and a governor in charge of the district governors.  His structure was essential to maintain effectiveness and peace in Israel. Each person had a specific responsibility or territory to manage.

What also stood out and impressed me was reading about the building of the Temple. (1 Kings 5 &6) He had organizational skill beyond what seemed possible in Biblical times! He had teams of many thousands and thousands of men building the Temple for our God.  He was consistent and organized, this build lasted for 7 years before completion, but it was a magnificent honor to our God!

And…He cared about how long each man was gone traveling/working and how much time they were home working. Families were so important to this King!! It is truly amazing how much he cared for the people of Israel.  He accomplished so much BUT still cared for his people’s well being. #modelleader

King Solomon was the wisest man to ever have lived thanks to God’s blessing on him.  Being organized is WISE and good stewardship. King Solomon displays this wisdom greatly in his organizational leadership skills.

So what needs to be reorganized in your life personally or professionally for change in 2022? 

Pick one thing that you want to organize in your life. Write it down, better yet put it in the comments below.  ⬇️⬇️

Pick only one thing to start and be very specific, make a commitment, and make the change.

In the training world we like to teach to make any type of change we need to make it:

– concrete

– measurable

– and time bound

Rooted is challenging you to take action for organizational growth in your personal and professional life.

Organization is WISE leadership and will help you grow yourself and your teams in 2022.

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather#change #organization #pickone #wiseleadership #KingSolomon #stayrooted #WWRF #itsallintheBIBLE