FRIENDS – learn about “Beyond Giving!”

Our economy has been really tough for so many and with Beyond Giving we can surprise working men and women with God’s love. God will provide for them through us!

Below is a framework to help you get started!  Be creative with this and go where God leads you!! If we can share God’s love plus give money – what a beautiful combo.

1. Pick any restaurant in your town

2. Your server will be random 🤍

3. Have a group of 6 people or more in your group (so we bless them greatly)

4.  Be ready to bless them with a gift of money. (Bring cash if you can)

5. Get a card of encouragement for the server and all of you sign it with some encouraging words or scripture – “We love you and so does God.”

6. If God leads you, purchase a Bible and all of you sign the inside cover with some encouraging words.

7. Share this post

This is just a framework, you do whatever God leads you to do! Just spread God’s love and go “Beyond Giving” to working servers in your town! Show them how much God’s people care about our communities!  Have fun with it and let’s see how many cities and states we can spread God’s love in! 🤍

Eat-Give-Love…Beyond Giving 2022!

Rooted and Warriors
