Never Too Busy to Get Up Early

It is Monday and a new work week is about to start for many! As we move into the week, let’s motivate each other to stay in prayer and in the Word.

Today as I read in Luke chapter 4, Luke records accurately the actions and teachings of Jesus. Jesus came to teach us how to live and how to find salvation. What a blessing and honor we have the freedom to carefully study the words and life of our Savior.

Jesus did all sorts of things in Luke 4!

What stood out as a major ahhh haaa moment for me was that Jesus took time to be alone with God! Jesus is the Son of God, healed people, He cast out demons, knows scripture 100%, He is so powerful – but still took time to be with God and pray!! What an example!

Luke 4:42 “Early the next morning Jesus went out to an isolated place.”

Jesus had to get up early to get some time alone from the massive crowds, we have to get up early also!! If Jesus needed solitude for prayer and refreshment, how much more is this true for us? Stop the excuses. Set your alarm!

As we prepare for our work week to start, don’t get “too busy” for Jesus. If your life during the week is a flurry of activity that leaves no room to get alone with Jesus – STOP and reflect on Jesus actions.

Life is but a vapor. Here one minute and gone the next. The news of the many tragic shootings this weekend reflects how precious our time is on earth, don’t hesitate – get to know Jesus.

Our ultimate goal should NOT be:

make more money, get the title at work, be recognized at work, hope this week goes fast because I hate my job.

The ultimate goal for us Christian working women SHOULD BE complete surrender to God! Be sold out to one person only – Jesus!!

No matter how much you have to do, please make time for Prayer and God’s Living Word!