Jeremiah poses a surprising question to God just moments after being appointed as a “prophet to the nations.”

““O Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I can’t speak for you! I’m too young!””

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1:6

Fill in the word ‘young’ with anything that has crossed your mind before.  What is in your blank?

I’m too busy.

I’m not perfect.

I am not as smart as others.

I’m a new Christian.

I’m worried about what others will say.

And this is how God responds:

“And don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. I, the Lord, have spoken!” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1:8‬

Why does God first warn Jeremiah about people?  It clearly wasn’t watch out for a tiger, or snakes, or rough seas on your journey; it was people! People! Be watchful! Take all concerns (& comments) to God and He will provide you confirmation.

Even if people come against you, don’t forget that God has a plan for your life. Even before you were born He knew the direction you would go. It still blows my mind. It’s so hard to comprehend this but it is written. 🙌🏻 God doesn’t tell Jeremiah to stop asking questions. Instead He confirms His presence and His protection. God is with you! The world may not want you to succeed but don’t give up! Keep pressing forward.

A calling on your life may come in many shapes and sizes. Maybe it’s teaching, writing, supporting the homeless, educating those with disabilities, volunteering on Sunday. Maybe it’s loving people wherever you go. Maybe it’s picking up trash or taking food to those that are sick. Maybe it’s being a light in the workplace. It’s whatever God has placed on your heart to carry out for Him. The truth is that we are all called to love, serve and obey God. We all have a calling!

When you allow God to be in control nothing can completely defeat His plan for you. Face each day knowing God will help you and provide you with everything you need to do what He’s asked.

Take on a humble heart and know your weaknesses but don’t let that be what fills in your blank. When God calls you, fill those blanks with truths: child of God, chosen, adopted heir, believer of Jesus Christ, blessed, saved and forgiven, accepted, set free.

We love you! Despite the odds, don’t walk away. ❤️❤️

Heather & Lisa