
What is a miracle? An extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.

Many witnessed miracles in the Gospels by Jesus. Turning water to wine and healing the sick are just two that WOW me to this day!

I witnessed a MIRACLE this weekend!

It was my husband Todd! My husband gave a talk about LOVE at the Warriors men’s conference at Pursuit Church.

A little backstory about my hubby – he has a military Marine Corps background, is an Ironman and does not get all mushy and gushy about LOVE.

Todd told part of his testimony, revealed sin to others, talked about forgiveness, cried, laughed and then the men witnessed him be baptized!

I believe this was a miracle of today! Miracles still happen. I was blessed to be there along with my son and daughter to witness him be washed away of the old and a new freedom of Christ overtake this man!! This was an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs!  God showed up at that conference and lives were changed, miracles happened. 🙌🏻❤️

It amazes me that Jesus forgives our sins even though He knows we will sin again. Would you forgive someone if you knew he or she would sin again?

My husband spoke about LOVE and how the LOVE of Jesus transformed him. He spoke about forgiveness – asking for it and giving it.  We must forgive to truly LOVE like Jesus.

Part of Jesus’ invitation to us is BEING the MIRACLE of LOVE to others. My husband did exactly that this weekend through his testimony and his obedience to hold this conference and then speak. (He does not like public speaking) The conference was an event done with great LOVE. Thank you Todd Williams for being a miracle for someone on Saturday. ❤️

Let’s learn from Todd! As we grow closer to Christmas, let’s really concentrate on LOVE and being that miracle for someone! The Gospels invite us to do small things with great LOVE. God wants to see your amazingness!

This week at work – tell someone your story of discovering Jesus, be more giving to a coworker who has less, talk to someone at work you usually ignore, go to lunch with the person who always gets left behind, be an example of LOVE. 

Be a MIRACLE for someone this week!

“The one who believes in me will also do the works that I do, in fact, will do greater works than these.” John 14:12 ❤️

Have a great week!  We LOVE you!