Moses was told by God he would die and not lead his people into the Promise Land. Moses prayed and asked God to appoint a new leader. God appointed Joshua.

Moses supported this God decision and trained up Joshua to take over his duties. Moses publicly supported Joshua to the tribes and said to the Israelites he had the authority to lead the nation. Moses endorsed Joshua – this is big!

We can learn from Moses! He was so humble! God was the most important thing in his life and he put his pride aside. He was genuinely happy for Joshua. He helped develop this leader to take over. What a mighty man of God Moses was!

As leaders we can and will be replaced, we are not that important! Life will go on without you leading your team – so put your pride aside and demonstrate your faith based actions as you train up your replacement. #honorGod

Eternity is forever – our careers and this life are temporary.

As Christians – I beg you to move forward today and honor God and His will, not the selfish desires of the world to be known and successful.

Stay Rooted ❤️#leadership#goal#humility#obedience#eternity#wearenotthatimportant