Loyal Without Being Blind…

There is a woman in the Bible that just amazes me by how loyal she is to her marriage and to God! 

Her name is Abigail. Look up her story in 1Samuel chapter 25. She was given in marriage to a wealthy man named Nabal but he was crude and mean in all his dealings.

Culture at this time placed a low value on women. Nabal’s household did all they could to keep him out of trouble, this influence was led by his wife – a woman he really did not deserve. (This is my opinion)!

David was about to have some revenge on Nabal …because he had been good to Nabal’s people (protected them and the flocks) and Nabal could care less.  David asked for some food and he said no, so death to Nabal’s family it was!

Abigail took swift action!  She went out with food and negotiated with David not to kill Nabal and all his family.

She saw the big picture (past the ego, meanness, and drunkenness of Nabal) and did the right thing and left plenty of room for God to get involved.

We must be loyal to our husbands and families, but not be blind.  Nabal was a crude and mean man and she still remained loyal in marriage.  But…she also knew that interfering and going to David would save her husband from being killed, she was loyal to God more! She was sensible and kind and she trusted God to protect her.

Maybe you do not have the perfect marriage, but if there is sin within it,  don’t remain blind to it.

Go to God and pray for your marriage, pray for sin to be removed from your marriage, pray for God to lead you and for you to be a sensible and kind influencer in your marriage.

Remain loyal to your man and give God room to work.

Nabal and Abigail’s marriage ends when he dies of a stroke after she tells him how she talked with David.  He was an unhealthy man physically and spiritually and God protected Abigail who was faithful.

Abigail ends up becoming David’s wife.  This is almost an unbelievable story as I read it but…when God is involved anything is possible. (Remember this ladies!)

Are you able to look beyond today’s present crisis in your marriage to the big picture?  Abigail was able to do this and followed God and trusted Him. She had good sense, was kind, and loved God even though she was married for a long time to a man who was crude and mean.

Stay loyal – my friends – in marriage and keep your eyes open. If sin is present, go to God, talk with Him, repent, and He will guide you.

We need to give God room to work in our marriages. Let the control go!

Love you & stay rooted,

Lisa and Heather