Life of Faithfulness – Part 2

What else needs to happen as a Christian to live a life of faithfulness? Heather and I have faith in ONE true God and know it is a LONG term journey. The Israelites would turn away from Our God and wanted instant gratification with short term benefits.

To get this instant gratification – they worshiped other gods and idols. They wanted to live a life of selfishness and pleasure. They would do whatever they wanted (sinning rapidly) and felt they were okay because at least they were obeying one of the other gods.

This hurt Our God so deeply.

We do this everyday with our current 2021 “other gods and idols.” We worship work, our kids, politics, tv, the news, shopping, money, or food to name just a few. We make these things more important than Our God and His ways – these modern day gods and idols could lead us away from Our God. God has to become more important than the stuff in our lives.

When we make anything more important than Our God – please know…it could lead to sin!

The essence of sin is “selfishness.”

We must give up ourselves and our stuff, empty our lives of the world and fill it with God…become selfless. Yield to sin and yield to having every single thing “we feel” we want!

The essence of God’s way is “selflessness.”

Which one are you?

Selfish or selfless…

We need to seek Jesus and live a consistent life of faithfulness. Hang around believers and stop making it all about us and what we want on this earth.

Once we meet Jesus Christ, we must accept Him as our Lord and Savior, and literally plug into the Holy Spirit within us – then we can start to live God’s way – selfless. We now have a direct union, relationship, with Him because of Jesus. It is a process and many Christina’s want to just skip the long term journey with God and have it ALL whenever they want it. (Don’t work that way…)

Be selfless in your faith. It is not about you, it is ALL about Our God.

This will get you on the road to living a life of faithfulness. ❤️

We love you & Stay Rooted,

L & H