Life of Faithfulness – Part 1

The book of Judges shows us we all want to sin and many of us move forward in sinning, even when we know better. Living around sin and not completely removing evil sin from our lives usually means disaster will follow.

In Judges, Joshua dies and the Israelites rapidly decline in following after God and His ways. They turn away from the Lord and follow other religions, worship other idols, and gods.

This angered our God greatly!

When we have sin in our lives we can expect suffering to follow. Sin always has consequences. The Israelites repeat the sin cycle over and over again and suffering always follows.

Many modern day Christians tend to live in this sin cycle of abandoning God’s ways, moving to sinning, and then crying out to Him to rescue us from our sin.

How do we stop the cycle of sin and live a life of faithfulness? One way Heather and I have learned on our faith walk is to look at the people you are consistently hanging around.

Are you hanging out with people who are devoted to God and His ways? People who you spend the most time with – your core peeps – will usually reflect your actions. When we hang with people who do not recognize God’s ways and truly don’t follow Him; it will cause us to be drawn away from Our God and could lead us to sin.

To move forward in a life of faithfulness, maintain constant contact with believers!

Tomorrow we will talk about how God is the MOST important thing when living a life of faithfulness.

Stay Rooted,

L & H  ❤️