
Yesterday I participated in a farewell message for a senior leader who is retiring in April. His resume of accomplishments is a mile long. As I prepared for the message, I started thinking about the impression he made on me early in my career and the legacy he leaves behind for me personally. I want to share these memories in hopes that you take time today to think about your legacy. I know I will be!

Speak to people on a personal level. Know their interests and what they do in their spare time.

Make your office welcoming and not intimidating.

Create an inspiring vision and people will follow.

Support and invest in your team. Provide the resources they need to grow and develop. They are your future leaders.

Give feedback; gently and effectively.

I’ll end with my best memory. I was leading a pretty big cross functional project. Each week we were giving updates to senior leaders and he asked me a very direct question regarding one of our delays. I paused (which in the end was too long) and proceeded to give the nicest, most politically correct response I could give. The presentation went on.

As soon as we were done my phone rang. He asked me why I had paused. Busted!! I told him the truth about the delays. He took the time to walk me through the difference between throwing someone under the bus and providing facts related to a project.

I’ll never forget that. I’m sure at his level he had a million other things pulling on his time, but he paused and took time to invest in me. I’ve taught this same message to the teams I’ve led ever since. That’s a legacy.

How you lead people and the time you invest in them will be remembered long after your list of accomplishments. John Maxwell quotes, “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” How do you influence those around you? What will be your legacy?

Love you all!


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