Leading Up

Servant leadership isn’t just about the way you lead down or across. It’s also about how you submit and honor your leader.

As servant leaders we are also called to lead UP. We should show respect to authority, always be prepared (don’t waste someone else’s time), speak truthfully, provide solutions instead of arguments, and to faithfully execute our jobs. View your role as someone called to make your boss’s life easier. Add value to them too!

We are thankful & blessed when our boss is a true, dynamic leader. But we aren’t always going to agree with our boss. Sometimes we may scratch our head wondering how they even got to that position. But regardless of OUR thoughts; God puts people where they are. We can’t argue that.

Trust God to accomplish His purpose and lead with a servant’s heart across, down, and up.

Ecclesiastes 8:1-9

#stayrooted #leadup #servantleadership #itsallintheBible