Leading for God!

Is your leadership self-serving or God-serving? This is a question we need to ask ourselves daily as we walk into our work place. 

Here are a few more questions to ponder… when accomplishing our goals are we ruthless and do whatever it takes to win? Are we striving to get the power and then protect the power?  How do we make our teams feel?  Do we practice the Golden Rule with everyone we work with?  Going to work each day can put us up against these questions for sure – can I get an Amen?!

For many people living with a big ego, pride, and power are more important than living by God’s standards. When making a work decision are we even thinking about our loyalty to God or do we just think about God on Sunday at church?

A quote from Maya Angelou that runs through my head often is, “no one will remember what you did or what you accomplished, but they will  always remember how you made them feel.” 

It is ALL about the people you work with and how you treat them.  When servant leadership is practiced, the accomplishments will come.

When Heather and I started Working Women Rooted in Faith back in 2018, God laid on our hearts that we can lead at work while still serving God.  We can be the example of servant leadership to women and men in the workplace.

We both are very aware that in the workplace our bosses expect us to succeed…but how we succeed can be a path that will build our faith legacy for the Kingdom.  Strive to be a leader that your team can trust. I heard the other day that when we trust someone it is because they are true. Are you true? 

So… as you walk into your workplace today…hold close to your heart servant leadership! Be true, be kind, practice the Golden Rule. Today can be a fresh start to build up your faith legacy for the Kingdom.  

We encourage you to stay Rooted in your faith while at work – because truly, it is not about us – it is ONLY about God.

Stay Rooted and true,

Lisa & Heather