Leadership is a People Business

No greater leader has walked the earth than Jesus. He took the time, wherever he was, to speak to people. The Bible doesn’t say Jesus was in a hurry and dreaded to speak to people!! He was interested in knowing them and he was genuine in his love for others.

I will never forget several years ago walking through one of our manufacturing plants. I use every minute of my day thinking, planning, etc. so I was in a daze somewhat. A man stopped me and said, “can I ask you a question?” He said, “you walk by me every day and I never see you smile.” That broke my heart. What a lost opportunity to connect with people!!! 🙁

In John C. Maxwell’s book The 360 Leader he advises to “walk slowly through the halls.” Be intentional, slow down, and speak to people.

Today as I walk the manufacturing floor I’m a much different person. I try and make eye contact, my eyes are smiling, and I speak to people wherever I go. I’m so thankful for the man that pointed out my shortfall. And I’m eternally grateful that I get to learn from the greatest book I’ve ever read: The Bible!

Love like Jesus! Slow down! Walk slowly! Leadership truly is a people business!

Happy Friday ladies!

Love, Heather

#kingdomleadership #itsallintheBible