
Kindness!! It’s just been on my heart. In our busy lives rushing here and there sometimes we tend to see the strangers around us in stories that we make up.

A woman in the grocery store line yells at her kids and we think what a terrible mother! But maybe she’s a single mother and just lost her job.

Someone cuts you off in traffic and you get angry and you yell and raise your fist. Maybe they just got a call that someone they love has been taken to the emergency room.

That teenager you meet who’s quiet and seems angry and disrespectful. Maybe they are hurting because of a family situation. Maybe they are dealing with something that you don’t know about.

Even for a brief moment you have the opportunity to make an impact in the world. Don’t assume you know their story. Don’t judge. Love regardless. Smile often. Be kind!

“Your kindness will reward you, but your cruelty will destroy you.”