Just Breathe…

This blog goes out today for all our young moms with babies! We have to remember to “just breathe” at times! You all have the hardest job on the planet!!

Many of our young moms have children and go to work each day. This was my past life. It was a fast past life and pretty much a blur when I look back at my young children’s lives. If I could go back to the past and know what I know now…would I stay home with my kids?? Absolutely – YES!!!

Many of the moms reading this blog do stay home with their children. I applaud you! This is honestly one of the hardest, loneliest, most exhausting jobs ever but the reward will be larger than the feelings above!

My sweet daughter in law Allysia just had her second baby, his name is Bensin. Congrats to them and we are in love already!! We had their 14 months old daughter Ayla for a few days while they were at the hospital.

My respect and admiration for our young moms was renewed as I followed the schedule of a one year old. (You all this is some work!)

Staying at home with your babies is no joke! This is a foundational wonderful thing to do but is so so much work! You all are amazing!!

When making the cover for this blog all I could think of was my DIL with two babies and “just breathe” came to mind. Allysia has no sleep, no breaks, and cares and loves her two young children 24/7. We often forget to breathe as moms. Moms reading this blog, remember to “just breathe.” They will be going to take a nap soon or bed time is right around the corner. ❤️😊 (these are real thoughts of moms with littles!)

My heart is heavy for women who want to stay home but don’t – this blog is for you! Try to rearrange your lifestyle to make it happen! I wish I would have stayed home and put 100% of my time and energy in raising the next generation vs making money.

I beg you to go to God and ask Him in prayer. He will answer you on what and how to do it. But make sure you are in your Bibles. And yes…I did experience it was hard to get quite time in when I had Ayla, but I got it in! This is how God shows us how to live, we have to read our Bibles and spend time with Him!

We have one life ladies and a short time to build a foundation of love and train up our kids for the Lord. Both my adult kids have decided to stay home with their babies. I am so proud of them! It is super hard at times for my girls because they have worked most of their lives and when money gets tight, they could just go back to work, but they stay loyal to their calling as stay at home moms and trust God to provide.

I love you Jess Jess and Allysia and I am so proud of you both! (PS – their hubbies work super hard to provide – thank you both 💙💙)!

Much love to our newest grandson Bensin. 💙 May God be with you, bless you, and protect you. What an absolute gift from God! GiGi loves you. 💙
Stay Rooted! 🙌🏻