Jesus Loves the Little Children

Do you remember singing the childhood hymn “Jesus Loves the Little Children?”

Jesus loves the little children

All the children of the world

Red and yellow, black and white

They are precious in his sight

Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Each and every human is loved. Regardless of race or nationality we are all precious in his sight. We know from the Bible that all people are made in his image; men and women both.

How could we as a body of believers harbor any kind of racism in our hearts? It’s evil. When we look at others around us that look totally different from us…what do you see? Do you see a human made in God’s image or do you see someone not like you?

We are called to love. It’s the second greatest commandment given to us. Each face you meet; whether at work, on the subway, in your church, or even passing through the grocery store is a face created and loved by God.