It’s Not About The Money…

Many times in my life I have been worried and anxious that we could not make ends meet financially. Todd and I have been married for 32 years, starting our relationship in high school back in the 80’s. When we got married we had zero money, he was 19 and I was 20. So…money has been weaved into most of our decisions and conversations over the years trying to figure out how to get it! There have been times that actually “rolling change” to go grocery shopping was for real and all I wanted was to just have money and not be poor!

Money became my ultimate goal in life and I wanted to help make tons of it for our family. If we both worked hard to get it, life would be good and we would be happy – so we needed money to be happy – so we thought.

When I accepted Jesus fully 7 years ago and started reading the Bible, I learned surprisingly that I was idolizing money. 😳 (yikes!) Money had become the most important thing in my life putting my marriage, family, and faith below it. Literally the verse from Ecclesiastes that says, “those who love money will never get enough” verse 5:10 – I really feel this was me in my 20’s and 30’s and some of my 40’s. I felt like I worked super hard for 25 years and could never get enough money – never catch a break, happiness would not come because I did not have money.

Jesus teaches us that when we store up earthly wealth (money or possessions) and make it more important than a relationship with God, we are a fool. Was I being a fool putting money before any type of relationship with God?


“Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.” Luke 12:21

Phew, God helped me become aware of my selfishness and I am so thankful that God chased after me and has so much patience! God never gives up on us you all – even us fools!! Please know this!! He wants a relationship with all of us!

I know there are many times we have to go to work to earn money to pay our mortgage, buy food and pay for our utilities, but…are we working and worrying with anxiety on how to do this? If so, seek God daily and  start talking over any money issues with Him verses trying to fix them on our own. We can’t do anything apart from Him! Hard reality is He may reveal that you idolize money, putting it over your relationship and trust in Him.  We have to become self aware and God will reveal if we ask Him.

The Bible teaches and encourages us that money itself is not wrong or bad but the LOVE of money is.

“No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and be enslaved to money.” Matthew 6:24

My “ah ha” as my relationship became more rich with God over the last 7 years is…stop worrying about money and being enslaved to it – rather give yourself to God!  God amazingly has changed my heart toward money. We can do nothing apart from Him – nothing!

As Solomon states, “how meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness.”  I can testify it DOES NOT – I was super miserable and not happy in life and was finally making good money in my 40’s. You all…It’s not about the money!

The truth is, before Jesus came into my life and a relationship started with our Father – I loved money and served it. Now…I love Jesus and serve God, then my husband and family come next! Praise 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Thank you Jesus!! (Notice how work is not mentioned!)

“We all come to the end of our lives as naked and empty-handed as on the day we were born. We can’t take our riches with us.” ECC 5:15

Let the love of money go my friends!  We as working women rooted in faith need to have our priorities correct – God first, family second then our work to make money! We can’t take the money with us.

“For when they die, they take nothing with them. Their wealth will not follow them into the grave.” Psalm 49:17

We should want to leave this life better off than when we came in, leaving a legacy of faith for our children and their children as we abide deeply in our faith. Please learn by my story and know God will help, but we must surrender to Him completely. We have to accept Jesus, believe, and then the Holy Spirit He puts in us will start to transform us!  We will live for Him and His ways because of His power not ours. ❤️

Don’t hold on to money in greed and selfishness and put money making as top priority. Rather…when making money give it to those less fortunate, lead with your heart verses greed, and when we do go to work shine for Him – be an example of what our Christian life is really about! #WWRF

“Let your light so shine before man, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

When we receive wealth and health, this is a GIFT from God. So stop thinking you did anything to earn it and that you are great for having money – God has no favorites!

God is the provider and money is a gift from Him. We should enjoy and share the gifts God gives us and truly know that happiness only comes from a relationship with Him – it’s not about the money you all!

Stay Rooted and shine bright!

Lisa & Heather 🤍
