It Starts with a Dream!

Do you have a dream you want to accomplish? What gives you so much excitement you can’t stop thinking about it?

In Genesis, Jacob’s son Joseph did have a dream. He never gave up and his dream was fulfilled. Joseph was an effective leader in the Bible – all effective leaders have dreams.

A dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes and empowers. The period between a dream’s birth and realization is always a process. It can be a long hard process and will not always go the way you think it should.

Joseph went from privileged son, to the pit of slavery, to the palaces of Egypt and it all started with a dream.

The beginning of a dream often generates more enthusiasm than wisdom. You may be super excited and say things to others while they think you are a bit cray cray – but stay faithful and persistent to your dream!

Joseph’s dream was given to him by God. In his dream his family would bow to him. All too often we give up on our dreams in the early stages – they seem impossible!

Heather and I had a dream of starting Working Women Rooted in Faith in December of 2018. God put us together, two career driven women who fell in love with Jesus. Our dream was to teach women in the secular world that they can stay Rooted in their faith while working. In our current work world culture this may seem impossible, but not with God!

So…we launched our FaceBook page and started our blogs. We had no idea what would come of our Ministry for women, but launched it with hope.

We have consistently posted and blogged for the last two years encouraging women to stay rooted in their faith while at work! We had our first live event (Beyond Borders) and the ministry was starting to thrive. Last year we decided to shorten our ministry name from Working Women Rooted in Faith to “Rooted.” We also met with Pursuit Church and decided to partner on some future live events! Thank you Jordan Green for your leadership and love for our Ministry.

All was going so great (Favored son) and then came Covid! (The pit!)

Covid put a stop on our live events, Crazy Faith was cancelled two days before we were to bring 300 women together in partnership with Pursuit.

But oh our God…Feeding 5000 was birthed! This was life changing and we helped so many families, churches, and schools in our community get the food they needed. ❤️ (Big thanks to Todd Williams, the volunteers, and Pursuit Church for their leadership on Feeding 5000)

We also utilized Zoom and did an event on 1Peter – watching and reviewing Terri Broome’s past teachings. We gathered women and shared the Word in spite of Covid! We supported Pursuits Harvest dinner party in the fall, digitally bringing the Word to women all over the country! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

We are now back in church! Yay! Excitingly we are about to launch a Christmas Outreach Program with Pursuit and Warriors Men’s group called Silent Knights.

This was not what Heather and I strategically planned for 2020, but God did! We are going toward the palaces of Egypt one step at a time – God’s way!!

What are you dreaming about? What dream has God given you to fulfill as part of your calling?

God will take you on a journey of a life time but you have to take the first step! Some days will be good and some days bad, this is okay! Having rooted faith in God and His Word will keep you strong on your journey.

Let Joseph and Rooted be an example of encouragement to go back to your unfulfilled dream and claim it as your own!

Stay Rooted,
Heather and Lisa ❤️