It Is Written

This scripture in James has encouraged me throughout my career and helps me remember…Pride leads to self and being humble leads to God. It is His way!!

So thankful for God’s unconditional love and grace because of Jesus our Savior. ❤️❤️

If you are in the middle of a pride storm, go to God this morning – actually run!! Humble yourself on your knees and realize that God’s approval is all we need. Not other people’s.

As Christian leaders, recognize first and foremost that God defines us and our worth…not our career, other people, or our circumstances.

With the Holy Spirit inside of us, He can help us turn from pride and the worldly ways and then turn to God and His ways. Teaching us how to lead with kindness, love, grace, & mercy.

It is written, so we must follow. Let pride go, God dislikes it!!

And yes…it is not always easy to swallow our pride and actually be humble, especially in the workplace and especially if we did nothing wrong!!

But, scripture says… if we come close to God, God will come close to you. (James 3:8.)

Rooted encourages you to keep walking by faith in the workplace and memorize James 3:6. God’s Word will then be nestled down deep in your heart. When our heart is transformed by God and His living Word –  then our actions will follow. 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather#wwrf #Rooted