
When one has good morals, is honest, and undivided we call this a person of integrity. We should all want to be leaders of integrity.

Joshua was a leader in the Bible of integrity. He had been deceived by the Hivite enemy to make a peace treaty to protect and not hurt them – for life. He found out they lied, but kept his word and honored the treaty.

The Hivites of Gibeon received word the southern armies heard of this peace treaty they made with Joshua and the Israelites. The southern armies then aligned together and came charging after the Hivites to destroy them.

The Hivites sent a message frantically to Joshua asking for help and protection. Even though Joshua had been terribly deceived by them, he was quick to respond to their call for help.

How willing would you be to help someone who had deceived you, even though you had forgiven them?

Joshua took his word seriously. His response and quick action shows integrity. Our words and actions as leaders have so much influence on our teams within our workplace.

Joshua had forgiven the Hivites for their deception, he did not hold a grudge but led out of integrity quickly. He went to their aid and God delivered victory.

“Do not be afraid of them, the Lord said to Joshua, ‘for I have given you victory over them. Not a single one of them will be able to stand up to you.”’ Joshua 10:8

God has a plan for us leaders like he did for Joshua. Joshua consulted the Lord, obeyed the Lord, and victory was given by the Lord.

Moral of the story: Forgiveness will move us to be leaders of integrity. Joshua forgave and moved on with confidence in the Lord.

A leader of integrity is honest, whole, and has moral uprightness guided by the Holy Spirit within us!

Don’t be a leader who is slow to forgive or refuses to forgive. Life is too short on this earth to hold grudges.

Seek Jesus, forgive, and strive for integrity – trust God to give you victory over your battles.

Stay Rooted,

L & H ❤️