
In Exodus, God gave Moses and the people of Israel laws to obey, these are known as the Ten Commandments. We are going to focus on the second commandment today – idols.

Let’s unpack this with what God said first…”you must not have any other god besides me.” Then he said, “you must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea and bow down to them or worship them.” God told the people, “ I am a jealous God who can not tolerate your affections to any other god.” Exodus 3-4

As Christian working women, we have to keep talking about our careers and where they should fall in importance to our walk with God. It is so easy to allow our work to become more important than our God!

We define an idol as anything that is more important than our God.

Idols are real, if you have never examined your life for them, slow down… and start asking yourself some questions pertaining to your work life:

– Are you craving money and want more of it no matter what the costs?

– Do you work through the evenings and on the weekends?

– Are you too busy to be in your Bibles and journal because of your work schedule?

– Does your title make you feel important?

– Does work come before your husband?

– Are you turning away intimate time with your children due to your work?

We get it, some of us need to work or just want to work. We have bills to pay or we want to help provide for our families or help grow and influence people. We don’t want you to quit your jobs but we do want you to get Rooted in your faith and examine your work life for idols that allow you to reject our God.

I have been working for 25 years and sadly most of those questions above I did answer with a yes until five years ago. I was saved, my heart started to soften – I surrendered my life to Jesus – everything, including my idol of money and my career. See, I had the money and the title, but I had no internal joy or peace. I was missing something, it was Jesus and a relationship with our God.

My point this morning. Please look at your life and really examine it. If you answered “yes” to any of those questions above… are you putting your work over what is most important – our God? God is a jealous God but He is also a patient God, it is not too late to put Him first and surrender to the Holy Spirit and pray for transformation.

I still have a career and now my kids are grown, both married, and have started their own families. My second chance is with my grand babies – to prioritize my time. Thank you God for a second chance! Now I put God first, then my hubby, then those sweet babies and their families. My career is thriving too (even in fourth place) and I do have internal joy and peace!

My picture for this blog has the following scripture “…I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected – even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me.”

Exodus 20:5

All God wants is for us to put Him first, for Him to be the most important thing in our lives, followed by our families, and then work. What we do NOW does affect our children in their faith journey down the road.

We must get our daily faith priorities inline with the Living Word and this will give God the glory He deserves. We can transform with the Holy Spirit guiding us and IT WILL AFFECT the next generation. 🙌🏻 (happy dance 😊)

Stay Rooted,


#examine #idols #putGodfirst #change #generations #priorities #holyspirit #jesussaves #workingwomen