Honor & Peace

In the Old Testament they had Kings that ruled the land. There were over 40 Kings of Israel and only 4 were called “good.”  Their failure was mainly because they lacked a moral backbone for God and this became the root of Israel’s problems for centuries.

As we lead our teams at work it does take courage and strength to stand firm in your convictions.  We must also lead with a moral backbone for God! Strong Christian leaders must confront wrongdoing in the face of opposition. Weaker leaders will just let wrongdoing go to not upset the status quo.

When we believe something is wrong, do not let yourself be talked out of your position. Firmly face the wrong and uphold the right. Stand with integrity.

How do we do this in a godly way when among the secular world?  Often people we work with want to get ahead at any cost, they have an “it is all about me” attitude, and they want personal gain no matter who they plow over to get it.  I bet you probably know several of these people at your company. When we fall victims of their “selfish storm,”we tend to build up resentment against them and we want to get some revenge!

The Bible told me this morning to stop before you act out of revenge. As Christian leaders we are to turn to God and allow justice to be done by Him. God will repay those who deserve it.

Yikes…at times this can be a very hard concept to comprehend and to really put my actions behind. (Can I get an amen?!) But let’s look at what Romans 12:17-19 says…

“Never pay back evil with evil. Do things in such a way that everyone  can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God.  For Scripture says,

‘I will take revenge; I will pay them back,’ says the Lord.”

I am not sure this could be any clearer out of Romans than it is!  We can be godly in our ways by how we act in the storm and by letting God send down the thunder & lightning!

So as we walk out the door today…We need to keep and maintain a moral backbone, stand for what is right, and do it in a way that is honorable and peaceful to God even when a “selfish storm” has come against you.

So many times in my career when someone did me wrong, I surely got angry and wanted revenge.  But… it is written to NEVER pay back evil with evil.  Reminder…if it is written, even if it is hard, we must follow.

Seeking revenge will ruin your own peace of mind and will increase your chances for further conflict.

Go forward humbly today with honor and peace in mind as you lead and face conflict in your worldly job. We must confidently know that God has got our backs and we need to leave justice to Him. ❤️

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather