He Has Final Word…

Some thoughts for us ALL as I finished up Ecclesiastes today.  Heavy on my mind is this…do you ever feel like life is truly just not fair?  Well, Solomon did and I am sure you all have felt this way too at some point in your life.

It might be an injustice against your character, someone falsely accuses you of something, someone lies about you, gossip by someone you thought was a friend, you get laid off, you lose someone close to you, or someone close to you gets really sick or hurt…you get the picture I am painting.

We have to remember we live in a fallen world. Many times evil and corruption sit in the place where justice should be, thus affecting our legal system or people’s opinions.

We also have to remember that our God is sovereign, knows what’s going on, and always has a plan.  🙌🏻 We can look at these “life’s not fair moments” and still keep our faith!! Even if we want to blame it on God or don’t think He understands…He knows ALL and we believe in Him to be with us, comfort us with His Holy Spirit and for Him to judge accordingly in His time. (Truths of our faith!)

I really loved this quote from my teaching Bible on really trusting God, “This life is not all there is, yet even in this life we should not pass judgment on God because WE don’t know everything.”  NLT Teaching Bible

We surely can’t even begin to know God’s ways even if they don’t make sense, He is bigger than us and we must TRUST.

“Yet God has made everything beautiful for His own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” ECC 3:11

So take a deep breath…this is for someone out there that needs to breathe!  Know that God knows and that the ultimate plan for Him is for us to live with Him forever, this is our gift from Him!   “So keep living with eternal values in view, realizing that all contradictions will be cleared up by the Creator himself.” NLT Application Bible

This gives us hope!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

So Solomon’s final conclusion of this book is God first, fear Him with complete reverence, obey Him and know He loves us completely – He will be the one who will judge us ALL in the end! He has the final word.

“…Fear God and obey his command, for this is everyone’s duty. God will judge us for everything we do, including every secret thing, whether good or bad.” ECC 12: 13-14

Stay Rooted with love,Lisa & Heather 🤍