He Doesn’t Owe You

Samson was a judge for Israel for 20 years per the Book of Judges. He was born with great physical strength and was dedicated to God at birth. Samson was to do great works for God by helping rescue Israel from the Philistines.

Samson had several weaknesses, he used his gifts and abilities from God unwisely. He was controlled by sensuality and often confided in the wrong people.

Samson’s great physical strength did allow him to conquer many Philistines and have personal victories. The problem was he had some pride issues. He would boast and take great credit for his work and not give God the credit or glory.

When we have a great victory for God, we can become physically and emotionally exhausted and our attitudes can decline from distractions. Samson fell into self pity. Chapter 15 of Judges describes his decline.

Severe depression often follows great achievements, so don’t feel surprised if you feel drained after a person’s victory for God.

When we feel this vulnerability, we have to avoid the temptation to think God owes us anything for our efforts. It was God’s strength that gave you victory.

I have experienced these slumps after victories. They are real and we have to recognize them! I have to concentrate on keeping my attitude, actions, and words focused on God instead of me! Self pity has to be left by the wayside. I focus on getting in prayer and the Word, connecting deeply with God. I also surround myself with people who are for God and will guide me by Faith.

It is not about us – only about Him!

God gives us our gifts and abilities along with the power and strength to achieve these victories, He does not owe us a thing for our effort! We need to praise Him and give Him all the glory!!

Stay Rooted,



Blog written by Lisa