We are all searching for joy, especially this time of year!  To experience great pleasure or delight!  I mean it is the Holidays, we should be joyful…right? As I study and read God’s Word, I have learned there are two kinds of joy. What kind of joy do you have? Keep reading.

“You have given me greater joy than those who have abundant harvests of grain and new wine.” Psalm 4:7

We all long for this “greater joy” in our lives. In this Psalm David seems to be talking about inward joy vs outward joy aka happiness.

Greater joy comes from the inside, starting with knowing and trusting God. David knew and trusted God completely!

Outward happiness comes as a result of pleasant circumstances – “the abundant harvest and wine,” you know…all the stuff we have to have to make us happy, especially this Holiday season.

As we build an intimate relationship with God, the first kind of joy…inward joy…will be steady and constant but we must be intentional in our relationship building. Get to know God, spend time with Him, and watch joy start to grow inside of you!

On the other hand…the second kind of joy…the outward joy of happiness is unpredictable and temporary, based many times on our circumstances.  “Real joy does not always feel like laughter”…I heard this in a song this morning and oh how true this can be on our faith journey.

Inward joy can be had and nourished with the acceptance of God through Christ. Inward joy will defeat discouragement and keep you rooted in your faith. #rooted

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”

John 3:16

In contrast, outward happiness comes and goes like the wind and usually reflects our circumstances. It will only cover up discouragement, making us moody and only happy when our circumstances are good. Do you know anyone who is moody?

With the Holy Spirit inside of us we have the GREATER JOY of eternal life, so stop searching for outward happiness though stuff and people and seek after what’s important – Jesus!

Do you know that one person who flows joy like a bubbling brook – naturally and abundantly? I bet they have surrendered to Jesus and have an intimate relationship with the Father.  My faith goal is to bubble joy like a brook daily…to live with “inward joy” no matter what my outer circumstances bring my way!! #bubblelikeabrook

We hope this is your JOY goal also!!

Remember – The “GREATER JOY” can be had but ONLY with Jesus! 🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,

Lisa and Heather ❤️

#greaterjoy #Jesus