God’s Mighty Weapons

2020 was a year we will never forget. And yet here we are in August 2021 and we see 2020 slowly unfolding right before us. Again. As women rooted in faith I encourage you to fight through this battle as you lead your business, your family, your friends with God’s mighty weapons. Paul reminded the Corinthians that we are just merely humans and that human methods won’t win our battles. “We are humans, but we don’t wage war as humans do.”

Satan is attacking because he sees people accepting Christ. He sees our youth rising up in our churches. He sees us working for God and not for man. Paul assures us that God’s mighty weapons are available to each of us as we fight these attacks that are surely to come.

Prayer – pray without ceasing

Faith – believe what is promised to us

Hope – the Good News is available to everyone

Love – it casts out all fear

God’s Word – read it, consume it daily

The Holy Spirit – live in the power through worship and praise

Fear and unhealthy thoughts can quickly consume us if we aren’t focused on the truth of God’s word. Don’t be tempted to fight alone and with your own methods. Seek Christ daily.


Heather & Lisa

#stayrooted #fightthebattle #Godsmightyweapons

Read Ephesians 6 The Whole Armor of God today and learn how to fight the devils attacks! The whole body of Christ needs to be armored.