God Stays the Same

Many times in life we feel overwhelmed and say to ourselves how are we going to get through this day? You may be facing an obstacle right now, having these overwhelming feelings, and wondering what to do?

Stop and pray! Don’t ask for anything in prayer, just ask to be with Him. Be silent, still, turn your thoughts inward toward your heart and long to be in His presence.

Honestly, we have a hard time doing this in our fast paced world, but try it. Decide on an amount of time and just be still – seek God – pray to be in His presence. This type of prayer of seeking the Lord will change your overwhelming feelings into internal peace and calmness.

God is with us in every season we are in…during obstacles or victories!! He is our almighty God – He remains the same and is unchanging. He loves us in good times and bad times, we are His children, and a Father protects their child.

Trust Him. Turn to Him.

Prayer is our lifeline to God! ❤️

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather