God has a PURPOSE for your Life!

In the wilderness God guides Moses and the Israelites where to go by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire in the sky by night. This visible presence of God was directly over the Tabernacle. If the cloud or fire moved, the Israelite moved. If the clouds stayed still, they stayed still.

The Bible is clear in Numbers 9 that the cloud and fire moved in accordance with God’s will and the Israelites obeyed. This was visible evidence of Him moving and directing His people.

Direction from God is not just for your next big move in life, it is for everyday! We are physically somewhere doing something everyday! Today as you read this, ask God…”What do you want me to do right here, right now?”

We have the incredible privilege as Christians in the New Covenant to host the Holy Spirit in our bodies! The Spirit is our guider. Being aware of the Holy Spirit and embracing this power is needed to follow God’s will. Pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen you as you follow God’s will.

Be excited – God has a purpose in placing you where you are right now! Whatever company you work for, your position, your title, or your compensation, we as Christian women need to have the attitude of “God wants me here right now!”

Try not to question God, TRUST Him! Have and embrace in the moment faith daily!! Keep praying for clarity if there is any doubt but keep pressing forward. The Christian walk is one day at a time, take a breath and know God loves you and has a plan!

We begin to discover God’s purpose for our lives by discovering what He wants us to do right now! Be faithful, be a servant in the secular world, and watch your purpose blossom!

When we follow God’s guidance, you know you are where God wants you, whether you are moving or being still.

God’s will over my will, repeat this offen!

God does have a purpose for your life!

Stay Rooted,

We love you all!

Lisa & Heather ❤️