Giving Up Your Self

I have prayed and given much thought on how to unpack one of Guyon’s letters from the book “Intimacy with Christ.”  I felt you needed to read the whole letter and I leave you with my final thoughts.

“The death of self is not accomplished quickly. For a time, it is a living death. Spiritual life is represented in Ezekiel’s vision of the dry bones. First the bones were joined, then they were covered with muscle, then flesh appeared, and finally the Spirit of the Lord brought them to life.  As you begin to grow toward God you will find many obstacles in your path. As you yield to God these things are overcome.

The river empties into the sea before it loses itself there. Each wave seems to encourage the river inward toward the sea. God causes waves of His pure love to wash over you and urge you on to Himself.   The river does not lose itself in the sea until its own waters are exhausted.  As the waves roll many times before they are lost in the sea, so will you undergo many changes before you completely transform.

It is a good thing to allow your self-nature to be crucified, for as you do so, God can take its place and become everything to you. Lose self and gain Him. Take away the finite and gain the infinite. This is a great blessing.“ 

(Letter 35) By: Jeanne Guyon

For me…as I grow as a Christian and a leader, the losing of self is a real thing, and it is not easy!  For so many years of my life it was all about me –  my career, my kids, my money, and making a name for myself.  This is the American selfish dream and was my accepted way. But then God happened … I rediscovered Jesus at the age of 45 and “me” started to become less important.

When we think of giving up self, most of us can’t comprehend it. I get it! We are naturally self absorbed people who want what we want.  But as Guyon says in her letter we have to allow our self-nature to be crucified. This can be painful and is also a process. 

Let’s look at scripture.  These are red letter words from Jesus:  “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.  If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.   And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed?  If anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in his glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels.”  Luke 9:23-26

Taking up our cross daily leads to transformation. You won’t always be the same person you are today when you live for Jesus. As you are cleansed from the sin in your nature, the fruits of the Spirit come in its place.

This is sanctification and what God does to set us apart and make us more holy – more like Jesus.  🙌🏻  We will undergo many changes during this process and one is to stop making it all about us and start making it all about God.  We need the Holy Spirit inside of us for this transformation to happen – so we need to believe to receive it!

Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones showed  Israel’s “new life.”  When God breathed on the bones He not only restored them physically but also spiritually.  We are given new life when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior!  When we believe!  We are born again and new life is breathed into us!

My final thoughts for today… be an overcomer for our Lord.  Be different. Know you are set apart!! Yield to our God and make it about Him not you.

Lose self and gain Him!! ❤️

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather