
Being a parent…is an incredible miracle given to us by God. We long for our babies to reach the next phase, to grow, and to flourish.  We have hopes and dreams for our children and want the best for them. We will protect them to any means.

I am blessed to be reliving this miracle of babies through my kids and their sweet daughters Ayla and Remi.💞 Being a GiGi is a blessing beyond words.

But…the babies must grow up because time does not stand still. As parents we want to give them everything they physically want and need to be successful in life.

Well, I am here today to share this advice – the most important thing we can give our children is a foundation of Jesus and love.

As our kids emerge into adults, they may turn away from you or their faith, but know this, the seed of Jesus has been planted and the foundation set! Remember…God has a plan!! He wants us all to be his children and He loves us! Please keep praying for your kids, be patient, love them, and have hope.

As I read in Proverbs this morning:

“It is painful to be a parent of a fool; there is no joy for the father of a rebel.” Proverbs 17:21

I was a fool for many years and caused my parent much greif. I turned away from all things faith and just tried to live in my own power. I raised my kids without Jesus in the center. I was the rebel who did not bring joy to my parents when it came to my faith.

But…it is never too late with God!  We serve a God of patience. I rediscovered Jesus and committed my life to Him over 4 years ago at the age of 45.

With joy & pleasure, I read the Word daily and have a personal relationship with God. I serve Him and worship Him. My life has completely changed. I am free!

With my second chance, I now try my best to lead by example for my kids and new grand babies. Jesus and love is at the center of everything we do in the Williams home.

Remember this: there is hope for all of us to be saved and be in relation with God. If your kids have wandered away from their faith, keep praying! My mom recently told me she prayed for me daily to find my faith for years. Thank you mom. ❤️

Love you and Stay Rooted,Lisa 💞 aka GiGi