Fountain of Life

“Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly.” Proverbs 16:22

Many people wish for a fountain of youth, to stay young and wrinkle free. We put our flesh as most important, never wanting to get old and wrinkly. As we know, this fountain of youth does not exists…but you know what does… the fountain of life!

How do we find the fountain of life?  The only way is through Jesus. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior,  He washes away the deadly effects of sin. He promises us eternal life with Him! This promise gives us a joyful perspective on everyday life! But we must chose Him!

When we receive this life-giving fountain – old age and wrinkles should not matter anymore. We now become beautiful from the inside out. We are full of the Holy Spirit – healthy and alive forever!!

But, oh how easy it is to slip back into our flesh. Yesterday, I sent a picture to my daughter that popped up of me on FB.  I said, “6 years ago. Cut arms. Dark hair, no belly, tiny legs. Dang.” 

My initial thought when I saw this picture was – I am turning 50 this year and getting old and wrinkly. I became a bit caught up in my flesh – letting this picture weigh me down by my own foolishness. #selfabsorbed #fleshly

I woke up this morning to Jess’s text – “You look so so so skinny! Like you’re sick or something!!! Beautiful, but you’re more beautiful now #holyspirit .”

Tears welled up in my eyes.

Then in my quiet time this morning through His Living Word I read “Proverbs 16:22” and start to study it. 

God confirmed what my daughter said about the Holy Spirit. We are “most” beautiful when He is inside of us!

I was not saved back when this pic was taken and my appearance back then was everything.


When we have the Holy Spirit inside of us and live by His Word – we have good sense and the Fountain of Life! ❤️

Embrace and love your wrinkles!

Stay Rooted,

Lisa  & Heather

#holyspirit #inside #isbeauty #teachingtuesday