For Such A Time As This

“Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

As I’ve studied Esther in recent weeks she’s become one of my favorite women rooted in her faith. She’s definitely in the WWRF club! ❤️ Her story is one that demonstrates the heart of a woman who fully trusted God.

Although Esther bore the title of queen of Persia her job was to maintain her position and please the king. And while I am sure she was well cared for physically, I imagine that life as queen wasn’t exactly an easy position to be in. But Esther accepted her role and didn’t question what she needed to do. There were no “why me?” moments recorded in scripture. Her attitude is one of humility, courage and obedience.

And when the time was right, God used Esther to persuade her husband, king Xerxes, to help save the Jewish people from assassination. She risked her own life to seek the answer from the king.

Well before Esther knew what would happen, God had placed her right where she needed to be. And when circumstances looked grim Esther prayed, was open to advice, and followed the direction she had been given.

God accomplished His great plan through his faithful daughter Esther. It was by no accident that the king favored her among all the women and made her queen. It was by no accident that she received warnings as to what had been put into law concerning the Jewish people. You see, God doesn’t make mistakes. Regardless of where you are and regardless of your title or position; He wants us to step out in faith and accomplish His plan.

God has not placed us in our present positions for our own benefit. He has put us there to serve him. Serve Him with confidence right where you are.

Love y’all!

Heather and Lisa

#rooted #rightwhereyouare