Enduring Patience

As Christian leaders within the workplace, we are to make decisions guided by Faith, not fear or frustration!

When we choose Faith – we have to wait on God’s timing! Many of us say we believe in the promise God has given us…but then we have absolutely no patience to wait on Him. Waiting on God’s timing is such a hard part of our Faith journey as a Christian.

Before I practiced my Faith daily, my personality as a leader was to come up with a solution and fix the frustration, fear, or obstacle immediately. I was the classic microwave leader lacking empathy and patience for others. For me to have patience or the crockpot mentality as a leader did not exist before I knew Jesus.

I would do something I thought was right vs waiting on God. I knew best. I was my own god. Oh how wrong I was!! Thank you Jesus for softening my heart and saving me. ❤️

I’m not gonna lie…waiting on God’s timing is still hard for me, but through Faith I practice it daily. I repeat “enduring patience” in my mind daily to help make this my new norm.

You all…Our God is a kind God. Our God is a faithful God. If you can not see the hand of God working in your life today, take a deep breath and please trust Him. Know for certain He is there, practice enduring patience, and wait on the Lord.

1Peter 5:7 says “Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.”’

If you are frustrated as a leader, have fear in your decision making ability, or are facing a big obstacle at work – do not let it provoke you to make a bad emotional decision. Turn to God immediately and allow Him to help you through your emotions and then get into the crockpot and wait.

Trust the heart of God,

pray consistently,

and wait on Him.

He will answer in His timing.

Now go live by Faith my friends ❤️

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather


Blog written by Lisa