Doing What Is Right!

God commands us all through the Bible to turn from evil and do what is right. Doing what is right is more than simply believing all the right doctrines about God. Doing what is right means living in obedience and displaying your faith to honor God. #love

“We are to be fair-minded and just. Do what is right! Help those who have been robbed; rescue them from their oppressors. Quit your evil deeds!” 

This scripture is part of Jeremiah 22:3 and what the Lord said to Judah’s King of that time.

We are not Kings but we are Christian leaders in the work world and we are to follow God’s ways as stated in the Bible. When we follow God’s ways then people will follow you. We must do what is right, not what our flesh tells us to do. This build our character and trust amongst our teams!

When we shut down our team members  with unjust words or actions that are meant to hurt, this is not bringing glory to our God. This is not God’s way! Words and actions tell so much about people’s leadership, but when we know better we can do better.

We need to lead for God not for our selfish fleshy wants. Be a display of faith that people want to follow. We can only be saved by Jesus, not good deeds, but these good deeds and actions will display our faith. Be that example of your faith in your teammates!

Not an easy lesson today that God took me through this morning, but I have learned so much from it as a Christian leader. God wastes nothing that happens in our lives. If you have led wrong or have a leader leading you wrong, know there is hope because of God! Keep reading your Bibles and learning. Go to God and ask for help and pray hard!

Keep this in mind…. always lead with kindness, love, obedience, and communication and watch your teams soar to a level with God’s hand all over them!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Stay Rooted,

We do love you tons!

Lisa & Heather#love #kindness #obedience #communication #leadership #GodsWay