Creating Change Against All Odds

If you are a leader that creates change – be ready for criticism! Leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. When we lead with influence and change is at the forefront of our vision, we will not make everyone involved happy!

Criticism will always be directed toward those who lead because they are out in front. They are visible and directing the teams, vision is being casted! It is super easy for someone to go against an idea or say they can do it better when they are not responsible for leading change. These are noticed as our “negative nancies” and they do exist on every team! (Sorry if your name is Nancy)

As a leader, take notice of those against you! Then as you lead, take the constructive criticism (our team uses the word feedback) they bring your way, but don’t spend valuable time and energy worrying about those who may oppose you! Time is something we can never get back.

Instead, focus your attention on those who are ready and willing to help. Pour your attention and time into the supporters, not the criticizers.

The “negative nancies” of the world do exist and will come after leaders with the vision of change!

Be aware – but don’t be evil against criticizers!

As Christian leaders in the “secular work world” change comes and we must try to influence these critics by God’s ways we learn from the Bible! We can value them, add value to them, keep a good attitude, listen to them, and really love them all! THEN…if they refuse to adapt to the change we still move forward with our vision in hand but also with our character intact!

We can’t make everyone happy as leaders, but we can lead in a way that they know we care about them and they have been heard…but we have to move forward or we will end up standing still! Growth requires change!

Remember – to always treat others how you would like to be treated, keep kindness at the forefront of your ways. #goldenrule

Leaders- Don’t let the “Negative Nancys” steal your focus. Keep pressing on for change & growth rooted in God’s ways – then watch what happens to your vision! #growth #glowingcharacter

Stay Rooted,