Covid Funk

During the last 9 months of Covid I have been struggling with some old bad habits, along with not wanting to exercise, not wanting to eat well, not caring about my heath and I just plain feel physically awful. I am in a funk. Can anyone else relate?

My daughter asked me if I had taken these issues to God?

“Truthful witnesses save lives; false witnesses are traitors” (Proverb 14:25)

We must turn to God when we are struggling (no matter what it is) and ask for His help and direction. What a blessing to have truth come from the ones closest to you! When truth hits us upside the head, listen – don’t be defensive and then GO TO GOD!!

I know perfection of my body is not possible. This is hard for us aging women who want to look a certain way but gravity is not allowing it. (Lol) I am turning 50 in two months, this is real, it is gonna happen! I want to stop making excuses for my age and keep pressing forward in my health.

My goal – Strive for health excellence not body perfection!

I did pray about it & got in the Word. God reminded me we need a personal development plan if we want to see change and grow!

When we want to grow spiritually with God we have to spend time with Him. We develop a plan and execute it daily.

The same must happen if we want to grow physically healthy. How incredible is it that we house His Spirit inside of us!! We need to give Him a healthy home – a healthy temple! 🙌🏻

Growth does not just happen. We must seize the opportunities to grow and then change occurs. It must be intentional. We must know ourselves and value ourselves. We must get out of our heads and into hearts – have deep passion to fulfill our potential! HOW?

Self discipline will be part of this (not take over completely) but will play a role daily along with taking personal responsibility for our bodies. Consistency must be part of the heathy lifestyle just like it would be in your spiritual life. Educate yourself – we have the world of info at our finger-tips. Get the info needed and press forward.

Motivation will get you going and discipline will keep you growing!

We also need to call and ask a trusted Christian friend to be our accountability partner. I have done this. When I feel like I am slipping, I will text her for encouragement. We need each other!!

Lastly, we need to come up with a word of positive strategy. For me it is “blessed GiGi.” When I am feeling less than, slipping into the “Covid funk” or going in the wrong direction for my health, I will say this positive strategy word to myself – “blessed GiGi.”

These words remind me of who I am and what is most important in my life – MY GOD & MY FAMILY !

We must be honest with ourselves and declare that health is important! It is time to get real. Stop hiding behind Covid or whatever other excuses you have. Make a plan that includes consistency and discipline. This is how change occurs. This is how we grow! This will result in health!

I believe a healthy lifestyle is God’s way. I am declaring today is a new day! Goodbye “Covid funk,” I am pressing on!! Lord help me please! 🙌🏻

Rooted in Faith,

Lisa ❤️

#stayrooted #blessedGiGi #healthytemple