Chasing Wind…

The book of Ecclesiastes really dives into the meaning of life, motives for behavior, and where God fits into our personal mission – super important for every Christian leader.

Our leadership must be bigger than us and what we want! If we focus merely on profits growing or advancing ourselves, we are missing the larger call of leadership especially as a Christian. We are there to influence people and shine our faith!

In chapter 1 King Solomon who had all the wisdom anyone could ever want along with an abundant life filled with riches and power, said “life is meaningless.”

“I observed everything going on under the sun, and really, it is all meaningless – like chasing the wind.” ECC 1:14

What?? How can this be?? If Solomon is down on life and depressed – do we have any hope? 🫤

Well…YES we do have HOPE but I do get Solomon! Many times it feels like I’m chasing wind at work and it is meaningless. As a Corporate Trainer there are months on end where I can’t see results in people or my teams reject any change I am driving, it feels like chasing wind and super meaningless.

But…thank goodness for HOPE in God!!! I have learned to really try to focus on God’s eternal perspective for my life and less about my earthy result. It is not always easy to put God before me, but it is the only thing that will bring everlasting joy and happiness deep within!

Solomon truly discovered that his possessions, his accomplishments, and his wisdom could not make him happy – they were meaningless. True wisdom and abundance is found in God, and true happiness comes from pleasing Him. Nothing apart from God will make you truly happy. 🙌🏻

So…if you are feeling a bit lost or depressed at work, your team is not following you and it all seems so meaningless…turn to God and His Word.

“If nothing worthwhile exists under the sun, our only hope must lie above it!” John Maxwell

Really think about that quote and let it become part of your life! In my opinion, a life without God is pointless and no real meaning will exist until we link our lives (even at work) to God’s purpose. We have to turn to Heaven for true meaning. #Jesus

“Generations come and generations go but the earth remains forever!” ECC 1:4

We have a short time here on earth and life will go on when we are gone. #fact

A lot of us just move things around within our lives and the workplace resulting in little or no change. We must be thinking how do we really make a difference as Christians who can influence others, drive change and truly be happy – that answer is God! We have to turn to Him and get plugged in!

Our goal is to let go of the visible wants and embrace the invisible LOVE! 🤍Solomon was the wisest wealthiest man alive and was still unsatisfied, so the only thing that can satisfy us today is totally invisible and it is called God!! God loves us so much! Look to God through His Word and prayer for His guidance and watch the meaning for your life blossom as a leader, wife, mother, friend and Christian!

Go shine for God and stop chasing wind!!

Stay Rooted,

Lisa & Heather
