Building a friendship with God…

Happy Monday!! 😁

Stop and ask yourself this question…How are you starting off your day?  Coffee? Working out? The News? Quiet time?

A thought…I have a close relationship with Heather Callahan and because of regular communication (daily), this develops and grows our friendship. If I did not communicate with Heather, I doubt our friendship would have blossomed. Because of social media, I may “know” about Heather but without “true” communication daily we would not have intimacy.  Because of this intimacy and commitment – we do life together and are close friends! 🙌🏻

I tell this story because friendships must have communication and prayer is communication with God!!  Prayer is what keeps us close to God!  We must pray earnestly each morning to create intimacy with God!! Our minds are clearest in the morning and we can then commit our whole day to Him.

“Oh Lord, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning.”  Psalm 5:1

Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.” 5:3

Communication through prayer is what will build a strong relationship with our God!  Go into a room, shut the door, and just talk to Him!!  Keep it simple!! He does hear us – so start building your friendship with God today and commit to it!  Start creating intimacy with God that will change your life forever!! We both can testify to this!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Heather and I encourage you to make it a priority to do life with Him daily!! ❤️❤️

#pray #DoLifeWithGod #freahstartdaily #friendofGod #stayrooted

We love you!